Monday, March 22, 2010

Criteria for a Poster

- the focus area on the plane
- the focus area is what catches your eye before you actually knowwhat you are looking at
- size, colour and position of the elements on a plane may change the focus
- diagonals, horizontals or verticals also have to do with structure and what captures your eye

Background, Figure and Blanks
- background, figure and blanks are three different elements that work together
- blanks are empty spaces to emphasize the focus like an image

Print supports
- most common print supports of posters are canvas, vinyl, paper, textiles, transparencies, special supports, among others

Use of typography
- typography should go along with the image and should be weel thought out just as much as the image
- Legibility is also key

- poster contains an effective message evoking emotions or feelings
- visual and verbal language conjunction
- visually appealing
- a design may portray a different style ex. 80’s, grunge, punk, etc. or it can be a combination of two

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